1 Aguilar, Maria De
2 Alba, Maria
3 Alba, Melchor De & daughter Maria
4 Angulo, Hernando De
5 Arteaga, Luis De
6 Baldivieso, Martin De
7 Bazquez, Juan & wife & children
8 Begona, Juan De
9 Caceres, Alonso De
10 Caceres, Alvaro De
11 Cauchela, Juan De
12 Chaves, Alonso De
13 Cordoba, Juan De & wife & children
14 Cuevas, Catalina De
15 Delgado, Pascual
16 Diaz, Lorenzo wife & 3 children
17 Dolmos, Isabel
18 Feria, Beatriz DeLa
19 Garcia, Ines
20 Giraldes, Juan & wife & children
21 Gomez, Alonso
22 Gomez Rendon, Gaspar & wife & 2 daughters
23 Gonzalez, Hernan & wife Teresa; 3 children
24 Gonzalez De La Cueva, Ana & brother Hernando
25 Gonzalez De La Cueva, Hernando
26 Gonzalez Labrador, Juan
27 Guerrero, Diego
28 Haro, Cristobal De
29 Hernandez, Cristobal & wife & children
30 Hernandez, Lope
31 Herrera, Diego De
32 Jerez, Hernando De
33 Jerez, Hernando De
34 Jeronima, Ana
35 Jimene, Francisca
36 Jimenez, Francisca
38 Lopez, Francisco
39 Lopez, Miguel
40 Lopez Heredero, Pedro
41 Lossa, Mari
42 Luna Y Arellano, Carlos
43 Magarino, Alonso
44 Marmolejo, Francisco
45 Martinez Aguado, Pedro
46 Mexia De Lagos, Diego
47 Monardes, Leonor
48 Mondragon, Bartolome
49 Moron, Francisco De & wife; Sons Pedro; Francisco; Daughter Maria
50 Moron, Francisco
51 Moron, Maria
52 Moron, Pedro
53 Munguia, Francisco De
54 Nunez, Ana
55 Nunez Malaver, Francisca
56 Ortega, Juan De
57 Padilla, Juan De
58 Palao, Francisco
59 Pardo, Juan
60 Perez, Ana
61 Perez, Rodrigo
62 Perez, Sebastiana
63 Perez De Escorza, Juan
64 Ramirez, Alonso & wife & children
65 Reyes, Melchor De Los & wife & son Gasper
66 Riego, Santiago De
67 Roa, Diego
68 Rodriguez, Maria
69 Sanchez, Sancho
70 Sanchez Caballero, Juan
71 Sayas, Antonio De
72 Tamayo, Juana De
73 Torres, Hernando De
Vera, Antonio
74 Villegas, Gil De
75 Villolao, Baltasar De
77 Xerez, Hernando De
78 Ximenez, Maria & sister
Source Name:SPAIN, ARCHIVO GENERAL DE INDIAS, SEVILLA. Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias durante los Siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII. Edited by the docents of the General Indian Archives under the Director of the Archives, Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata. Sevilla [Spain]: Imprenta de la Gavidia. 3 vols. Vol. 2, 1535-1538. 1942. 507p.
Source Annotation:Chronological list of passengers to Spanish America (including Florida and Louisiana, 1538-1559). From documents in the "Indian Archives" in Sevilla, 1509-1790. Provides names of emigrants, places of origin, places of departure, and destinations. Vol. 1 supersedes an edition covering the years 1509-1533 (Madrid: Imprenta Espasa-Calpe, 1930). For continuation, 1560-1594, see no. 5801, Morales. No. 720, Boyer, Ship Passenger Lists, the South, pp. 165-189, reconstructs pp. 233-285 of vol. 2 and reads: "Lancour suggests that the three-volume work contains lists [of sailings] from 1538 to 1559 to Florida and Louisiana, although in fact 'Louisiana' is a place name used in a later period, and all the names given for Florida are from the year 1538." Vols. 4-6, 1560-1577, see nos. 3456.8-.10.
Source Annotation:Chronological list of passengers to Spanish America (including Florida and Louisiana, 1538-1559). From documents in the "Indian Archives" in Sevilla, 1509-1790. Provides names of emigrants, places of origin, places of departure, and destinations. Vol. 1 supersedes an edition covering the years 1509-1533 (Madrid: Imprenta Espasa-Calpe, 1930). For continuation, 1560-1594, see no. 5801, Morales. No. 720, Boyer, Ship Passenger Lists, the South, pp. 165-189, reconstructs pp. 233-285 of vol. 2 and reads: "Lancour suggests that the three-volume work contains lists [of sailings] from 1538 to 1559 to Florida and Louisiana, although in fact 'Louisiana' is a place name used in a later period, and all the names given for Florida are from the year 1538." Vols. 4-6, 1560-1577, see nos. 3456.8-.10.