1. Aguilar, Maria De
2. Aguilar, Pedro
3. Aguilar, Pedro De
4. Albes, Bartolome
5. Alcolea, Miguel De
6. Alonso, Unknown
7. Alonso, Juan
8. Alonso, Mateo son of Rodrigo Alonso
9. Alonso, Pedro
10. Alonso, Rodrigo & son Mateo
11. Alvarez, Hernando
12. Amaya, Cristobal De
13. Aranda, Diego De
14. Avila, Antonio De
15. Avila, Francisco De & servant
16. Avila, Hernando De
17. Avila Verdugo, Gaspar
18. Ballestero, Francisco
19. Baltasar, Unknown
20. Bartolome, Unknown
21. Blazquez, Alonso
22. Bonilla, Ana De
23. Bonilla, Juan De & children Lazaro De & Ana De
24. Bonilla, Lazaro De
25. Bozmediana, Francisca De
26. Burgena, Fernando
27. Cabo Sanchez, Guillen
28. Calvo, Pedro
29. Carrion, Bernal De
30. Castillo, Diego De
31. Castillo, Pedro Del
32. Castro, Antonio De
33. Chaves, Hernando De
34. Cifuentes, Diego De
35. Corral, Gonzalo Del
36. Corral, Rodrigo
37. Diaz, Alonso
38. Diaz, Leonor
39. Diaz, Martin
40. Diaz Galana, Andres
41. Duenas, Alonso De
42. Duran Navarro, Martin
43. Erreval, Sebastian De
44. Escobal, Alonso De
45. Garcia, Alonso
46. Garcia, Francisco
47. Garcia, Gil
48. Gascon, Vesar
49. Gil, Alonso
50. Gomez, Benito
51. Gomez, Juan
52. Gonzalez, Diego
53. Gonzalez, Ruy
54. Gonzalez DeCodilas, Alonso
55. Gonzalez LaMuniza, Isabel & 3 children
56. Gonzalez Remusgo, Hernan
57. Guillen, Anton
58. Gutierrez, Juan
59. Gutierrez De Valdelomar, Pedro
60. Guzman, Alonso De
61. Hermosillo, Juan De
62. Hernandez, Gonzalo
63. Hernandez, Gonzalo
64. Hernandez, Luis
65. Hernandez, Pedro
66. Hernandez Bernal, Francisca & son Francisquito De
67. Hoyo, Pedro Del
68. Hurano Alonso, Andres
69. Lizana, Francisco
70. Lopez, Unknown
71. Lopez, Alonso
72. Lopez, Gil
73. Lopez, Juan
74. Lopez, Juan
75. Lopez DeCiudad Rodrigo, Juan
76. Lopez DeOtalora, Andres
77. Lorenzo, Pedro
78. Luis, Unknown
79. Malin, Jeronimo De
80. Malpartida, Francisco De
81. Manjon, Juan
82. Marin, Jeronimo De
83. Martin, Teresa
84. Martin Armijo, Pedro
85. Martin De Trujillo, Gonzalo
86. Martinez, Andres
87. Martinez, Bernal
88. Maturana, Pedro De
89. Mayorga, Isidro De
90. Medina, Francisco De
91. Mejia, Catalina & sisters Juana & Gregoria
92. Mejia, Gregoria
93. Mejia, Juana
94. Miranda DeEbro, Pedro De
95. Molina, Francisco De
96. Molina, Pedro De
97. Morales, Bartolome De
98. Morillo, Hernando De
99. Muniz, Alberto
100. Muniz, Beatriz
101. Muniz, Martin
102. Navarro, Martin
103. Nunez, Francisco
104. Ocana, Garcia De
105. Ortega, Francisco
106. Pache, Rodrigo
107. Paniagua, Diego
108. Paredes, Andres De
109. Paredes, Bartolome De
110. Pasamonte, Esteban De & 2 servants
111. Paz, Diego De
112. Perales, Tomas De
113. Perez, Diego
114. Perez, Ines
115. Pinel, Beltran & brother Francisco; servant
116. Pinel, Francisco
117. Pinto, Hernan
118. Porras, Anton De
119. Ramirez, Francisco
120. Ramos, Francisco
121. Reales, Diego
122. Revenga, Luis De
123. Ribera, Hernando De
124. Ribera, Juan De
125. Ribera, Rodrigo De
126. Rodriguez, Juan
127. Romero, Anton
128. Romo, Hernando El
129. Royo, Juan El
130. Rubio, Miguel
131. Ruiz, Ines
132. Sanchez, Bartolome
133. Sanchez, Hernan
134. Sastre, Pedro
135. Serrano, Bartolome
136. Soria, Francisco De
137. Soto, Sebastian De
138. Tapia, Rodrigo De & servant
139. Tola, Diego De
140. Toril, Juan Del
141. Torres, Antonio De & brother Francisco De
142. Torres, Francisco De
143. Tostado, Pedro
144. Vanegas, Diego
145. Vazquez Blazquez, Marianes
146. Verde, Agustin
147. Verdugo, Francisco & servant
148. Vicioso, Juan
149. Villadiego, Francisco De
150. Zaraguzan, Alonso De
151. Zornoza, Juan De
Source Name:SPAIN, ARCHIVO GENERAL DE INDIAS, SEVILLA. Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias durante los Siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII. Edited by the docents of the General Indian Archives under the Director of the Archives, Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata. Sevilla [Spain]: Imprenta de la Gavidia. 3 vols. Vol. 2, 1535-1538. 1942. 507p.
Source Annotation:Chronological list of passengers to Spanish America (including Florida and Louisiana, 1538-1559). From documents in the "Indian Archives" in Sevilla, 1509-1790. Provides names of emigrants, places of origin, places of departure, and destinations. Vol. 1 supersedes an edition covering the years 1509-1533 (Madrid: Imprenta Espasa-Calpe, 1930). For continuation, 1560-1594, see no. 5801, Morales. No. 720, Boyer, Ship Passenger Lists, the South, pp. 165-189, reconstructs pp. 233-285 of vol. 2 and reads: "Lancour suggests that the three-volume work contains lists [of sailings] from 1538 to 1559 to Florida and Louisiana, although in fact 'Louisiana' is a place name used in a later period, and all the names given for Florida are from the year 1538." Vols. 4-6, 1560-1577, see nos. 3456.8-.10.
Source Annotation:Chronological list of passengers to Spanish America (including Florida and Louisiana, 1538-1559). From documents in the "Indian Archives" in Sevilla, 1509-1790. Provides names of emigrants, places of origin, places of departure, and destinations. Vol. 1 supersedes an edition covering the years 1509-1533 (Madrid: Imprenta Espasa-Calpe, 1930). For continuation, 1560-1594, see no. 5801, Morales. No. 720, Boyer, Ship Passenger Lists, the South, pp. 165-189, reconstructs pp. 233-285 of vol. 2 and reads: "Lancour suggests that the three-volume work contains lists [of sailings] from 1538 to 1559 to Florida and Louisiana, although in fact 'Louisiana' is a place name used in a later period, and all the names given for Florida are from the year 1538." Vols. 4-6, 1560-1577, see nos. 3456.8-.10.