1 Castroverde, Diego De
3 Leon, Rodrigo De
4 Osorio, Diego
5 Rodriguez DePaiva, Antonio
6 Santos, Pedro
3 Leon, Rodrigo De
4 Osorio, Diego
5 Rodriguez DePaiva, Antonio
6 Santos, Pedro
1 Alonso Molano, Hernando
2 Arias, Garcia
3 Diez, Francisco
4 Garcia, Pero
5 Gonzalez Poza, Andres
6 Gutierrez DeFresco, Rodrigo
7 Torres, Antonillo De
8 Torres, Marcos De
2 Arias, Garcia
3 Diez, Francisco
4 Garcia, Pero
5 Gonzalez Poza, Andres
6 Gutierrez DeFresco, Rodrigo
7 Torres, Antonillo De
8 Torres, Marcos De
Source Name:SPAIN, ARCHIVO GENERAL DE INDIAS, SEVILLA. Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias durante los Siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII. Edited by the docents of the General Indian Archives under the Director of the Archives, Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata. Sevilla [Spain]: Imprenta de la Gavidia. 3 vols. Vol. 2, 1535-1538. 1942. 507p.
Source Annotation:Chronological list of passengers to Spanish America (including Florida and Louisiana, 1538-1559). From documents in the "Indian Archives" in Sevilla, 1509-1790. Provides names of emigrants, places of origin, places of departure, and destinations. Vol. 1 supersedes an edition covering the years 1509-1533 (Madrid: Imprenta Espasa-Calpe, 1930). For continuation, 1560-1594, see no. 5801, Morales. No. 720, Boyer, Ship Passenger Lists, the South, pp. 165-189, reconstructs pp. 233-285 of vol. 2 and reads: "Lancour suggests that the three-volume work contains lists [of sailings] from 1538 to 1559 to Florida and Louisiana, although in fact 'Louisiana' is a place name used in a later period, and all the names given for Florida are from the year 1538." Vols. 4-6, 1560-1577, see nos. 3456.8-.10.
Source Annotation:Chronological list of passengers to Spanish America (including Florida and Louisiana, 1538-1559). From documents in the "Indian Archives" in Sevilla, 1509-1790. Provides names of emigrants, places of origin, places of departure, and destinations. Vol. 1 supersedes an edition covering the years 1509-1533 (Madrid: Imprenta Espasa-Calpe, 1930). For continuation, 1560-1594, see no. 5801, Morales. No. 720, Boyer, Ship Passenger Lists, the South, pp. 165-189, reconstructs pp. 233-285 of vol. 2 and reads: "Lancour suggests that the three-volume work contains lists [of sailings] from 1538 to 1559 to Florida and Louisiana, although in fact 'Louisiana' is a place name used in a later period, and all the names given for Florida are from the year 1538." Vols. 4-6, 1560-1577, see nos. 3456.8-.10.