

domingo, 8 de febrero de 2015

Recursos de e-books XXIV: Free History eBooks Online IV (G-K)

fuente: http://www.techsupportalert.com/

GenealogySearch  offers historical and genealogy books from around the world.
Georgia Download Destination  has 2175 free classic ebooks in its History genre listing available for free download in EPUB without registration.  These are works from Projectt Gutenberg, but the easy layout and quick download here will appeal.  You have to press the History genre link on the left as they do not allow links directly to the genres.
GetFreeEBooks has 34 unique entries in its history category.  These are unique entries not found elsewhere.  The download and viewing options vary.
Globusz (History)  12 books available for online viewing or download
GoogleBookSearch (History)  811 books available for online viewing.
Historical Text Archive has 74 free eboolks of history covering various continents.  These are all available for free reading online.  Click on the "TOC" (Table of Contents) link on the book page to read .
Hundred Zeros CA   monitors Amazon (Canada) for the catalog of "best sellers" free ebooks and offers genre selection and RSS feeds for the individual genres.  This link is to the  History genre.
Hundred Zeros UK monitors Amazon (UK) for free ebooks in the History genre.
Hundred Zeros USA  monitors the "Best Sellers" free ebook list at Amazon (USA and India).  They have individual genre listings and they have RSS feeds for the individual genres.  They offer RSS and eMail updates.  This link is to the History genre.
InternationalWorldHistoryProject has a very good size collection of free historical novels for download.  Some of the downloads are in EXE.  I usually shy away from such offerings, but I checked these and they are clean.  They also offer some works that require the TK3 reader, which I have previously checked as clean.  Further down the page are a good number of PDF downloads.
Kellscraft  has about 30 free works in its History collection available for free reading online.
Kobo has over 1 million free ebooks in EPUB, but they can be hard to find.   Easiest way is to conduct a search and then choose "free only" in the filter.  This link is to a search for "history" and has almost 95,000 free ebooks.  You can try some other variations that may show more in this genre.  Free registration is required.  I have received no spam in the several months since I registered.

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