

viernes, 6 de febrero de 2015

Recursos de e-books XXII: Free History eBooks Online II (C-D)

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Centsless Books  monitors Amazon (USA) hourly for limited time free ebook offerings.  They have a large listing and a wide range of genre listings to narrow the search.  This link is to the History genre free ebook offerings.
ChestofBooks (History)  3 unusual books for online reading.
CK12  has a large collection of free textbooks in a 21 different subjects and SAT prep .  All are available for free download in PDF, MOBI or EPUB, after free registration.  The PDFs load immediately.  The MOBI abd EPUB are generated and a download link is emailed to you.  This link is the History section and has 2 free ebooks.
ClassicHistoryBooks offers 6 unique works for online viewing.
Classicly I have not figured out how to show a complete listing of the books here.  If you scroll over book names in the introcutory paragraph, you will find links to a number of free classic novels.  The free book listing only contains 4 works.  In any event, there are about 10 classic historical novels available for download in PDF or KINDLE.  Thanks to Tyler G for this suggestion.
College Open Textbooks  offers free textbooks in 24 different subjects.  Many are in wiki form at WikiBooks, where they may also be downloaded as PDF and some that I looked at were avaialble as PDF.  No registration required.  This link is to the History section and has a large collection of links offsite (so download and viewing options vary).
Daily Free Books (UK) monitors Amazon (UK) for its daily free offerings.  They offer genre selection as well as sorting by time (including since your last visit).  They also offer free listings from Smashwords, which can be viewed with the Amazon offerings, alone or not at all (Amazon only).  They have over 6,000 free ebooks listed.  This link is to the History (non-fiction) genre listings for Amazon and Smashwords.  There were 37 free ebooks listed at the time of this post.
Daily Free Books (USA) monitors Amazon (USA) for its daily free offerings.  They offer genre selection as well as sorting by time (including since your last visit).  They also offer free listings from Smashwords, which can be viewed with the Amazon offerings, alone or not at all (Amazon only).  They have over 6,000 free ebooks listed.   This link is to the History (non-fiction) genre listings for Amazon and Smashwords.  There were 32 free ebooks listed at the time of this post.
DailyLit offers 31 historical works for free.
DigiLibraries has over 1400 free books in its History category.  The vast majority are available for free download in PDF, MOBI and EPUB as well as free reading online.  I did find one book at the site that was only available in PDF.  Seems to be a mix of classic works and some unique newer entries.  A very nice collection.
Digital History a complete history of the USA available for free reading online without registration.

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