

martes, 21 de agosto de 2012

JO de Atenas 2004 - conteo de medallas


United States of America (USA) 363928103
People's Republic of China (CHN) 32171463
Russian Federation (RUS) 28263892
Australia (AUS) 17161649
Japan (JPN) 1691237
Germany (GER) 13162049
France (FRA) 1191333
Italy (ITA) 10111132
Republic of Korea (KOR) 912930
Great Britain (GBR) 991331
Cuba (CUB) 971127
Ukraine (UKR) 95923
Hungary (HUN) 86317
Romania (ROU) 85619
Greece (GRE) 66416
Brazil (BRA) 52310
Norway (NOR) 5016
Sweden (SWE) 4217
Netherlands (NED) 49922
Thailand (THA) 3148
Spain (ESP) 311519
Canada (CAN) 36312
Turkey (TUR) 33410
Poland (POL) 32510
New Zealand (NZL) 3205
Denmark (DEN) 2068
Argentina (ARG) 2046
Chile (CHI) 2013
Taipei (Chinese Taipei) (TPE) 2215
Georgia (GEO) 2204
Bulgaria (BUL) 21912
Jamaica (JAM) 2215
Uzbekistan (UZB) 2125
Morocco (MAR) 2103
Belarus (BLR) 26715
Austria (AUT) 2417
Ethiopia (ETH) 2327
Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) 2226
Slovakia (SVK) 2226
Dominican Republic (DOM) 1001
United Arab Emirates (UAE) 1001
Zimbabwe (ZIM) 1113
Azerbaijan (AZE) 1045
Belgium (BEL) 1023
Bahamas (BAH) 1012
Israel (ISR) 1012
Cameroon (CMR) 1001
South Africa (RSA) 1326
Croatia (CRO) 1225
Lithuania (LTU) 1203
Egypt (EGY) 1135
Switzerland (SUI) 1135
Indonesia (INA) 1124
Kazakhstan (KAZ) 1438
Kenya (KEN) 1427
Czech Republic (CZE) 1348
Syrian Arab Republic (SYR) 0011
Trinidad and Tobago (TRI) 0011
Paraguay (PAR) 0101
Colombia (COL) 0022
Nigeria (NGR) 0022
Venezuela (VEN) 0022
Eritrea (ERI) 0011
Mongolia (MGL) 0011
Finland (FIN) 0202
Serbia and Montenegro (SCG) 0202
Slovenia (SLO) 0134
Estonia (EST) 0123
Hong Kong, China (HKG) 0101
India (IND) 0101
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (PRK) 0415
Latvia (LAT) 0404
Mexico (MEX) 0314
Portugal (POR) 0213

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