

sábado, 1 de agosto de 2009

Science resources by SPJ - Research-Orgs-Experts-Agencies


Community of Science
Search a free database of science experts.

Media Resource Service
Search a database of reputable sources on science info. from the Scientific Research Society.

American Association for the Advancement of Science

From Cyberjournalist.net: The WebElements interactive periodic table allows you to click on any of the elements to get in-depth information. The information includes not just detailed descriptions and specifications of all the elements, but an audio clip describing the element, photos of the elements, and video clips in some cases. The site also includes a printable periodic table and a version for Palm Pilots.

The Office of Naval Research
This office manages the science and technology programs for the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps.

MDTV Medical News Now Inc.
A New Jersey-based organization that presents a television medical news program that airs on cable in about 20 states.

Access Research Network
A great science and design portal.

Research summaries by science experts.

Center for Science in the Public Interest
A consumer-watchdog group in Washington.

Genomic Glossaries and Taxonomies
Biotechnology & pharmaceutical terms (& definitions) not found in most dictionaries. About 3,500 + definitions for applications, biochemistry, bioinformatics, cheminformatics, drug discovery and development, genomics, molecular biology, proteomics (and beyond), tools and technologies.

National Science Foundation

ActionBioScience.org: Ethics on Human Cloning

National Academy of Sciences

The Federation of American Scientists

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