

domingo, 2 de agosto de 2009

Free Genealogy Tools

Free Genealogy Tools, es una página que ofrece de manera sencilla herramientas para determinar relación de parentescos, definiciones de parentescos, cartas de relación, día de la semana de una fecha en particular, así como acceso a otras bases de busqueda de datos de familias con apellidos similares. La página esta en inglés de muy fácil comprensión.

In order to find the relationship between two biologically related people, all you have to do is answer a couple of questions. There are four different free genealogy tools available. Each of the free genealogy tools provides some of the same information, but in a different ways.
All these tools are free and the first tool is based on determining Common Ancestor and your relationships to that common ancestor. Another method is by describing the Relationships between a relative and another relative. The third and fourth free genealogy tools use genealogy charts interactively. One is called the Kinship Chart and the other is the Relationship Chart. Make sure you try this charts just for the fun!
If you are trying to find a lost family member or friend we have another free genealogy tool that might be useful. Give it a try at MyFamily People Finder.
We also have another fun tool for determining the day of the week for any date. With this you can determine the Day-of-the-Week for any birth date! Or anniversary date. Or whatever date. Try it out.

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